
2024年3月4日 星期一

No More Cough 止咳贴 🇲🇾轻松一贴,缓解咳嗽


年过完了,吴百万也开始出现了咳嗽的症状,可能是因为过年期间饮食不当所致。庆幸的是,我们事先准备了适合敏感肌肤使用的cough relief patch,帮助吴百万缓解了咳嗽的症状,晚上也能睡得安稳。

这款No More Cough (敏感款)适合敏感肌肤体质的人使用,不必担心因为长时间贴着而导致皮肤红zhong的问题。

只需跟着包装指示把cough relief patch贴在特定的人体穴位,即可缓解咳嗽症状。

✅大人小孩都可使用 ,即使是3个月以上宝宝也适用。
妈妈们,现在是时候去Alpro Pharmacy分店囤货啦!赶紧前往你邻近的一家吧!


🇲🇾 Easy relief for coughing
After the New Year, Shane also began to experience symptoms of coughing, possibly due to improper diet during the New Year period. Fortunately, we had prepared cough relief patches suitable for sensitive skin, which helped Shane alleviate the symptoms of coughing and sleep soundly at night.

This No More Cough (Sensitive Edition) is suitable for people with sensitive skin, so you don't have to worry about skin reddening issues from prolonged use.

Simply follow the packaging instructions to apply the cough relief patch to specific acupuncture points on the body to alleviate cough symptoms.

✅ Made with medical-grade spunlace non-woven fabric, the material is more breathable and skin-friendly.
✅ Contains honey as the main ingredient, which has antibacterial and moisturizing properties and is less likely to cause skin allergies.
✅ Suitable for both adults and children, even babies over 3 months old can use it.
Mothers, it's time to stock up at Alpro Pharmacy stores! Hurry to the one nearest to you!

#止咳贴 #敏感款 #咳嗽 #化痰 #CoughPatch #SensitiveEdition #Cough #Expectorant #dnsplogplus

