
2024年7月28日 星期日

【爸百萬去走走VLOG209】一切都來得及,出席熱辣滾燙特映會👪阿爸哇郎克迪果 daddynshane

超感谢益众 EZON Leaders Club 的邀请,让我们能抢先观看由贾玲执导并且主演的热血电影《热辣滚烫》,还安排我们坐在vip贵宾席,倍感受宠若惊😅🤣 这部励志又热血的电影🎬很多幕都把多愁善感的奇藝果看哭了🥹 变好的过程,都不太舒服,试试再努力点,勇敢做自己,新一年,我们奋力赢一次!与大家共勉之~

#throwback last night, Thanks to EZON LAE Healthtech Lifestyle Danga Bay for the invitation, allowing us to have the privilege of watching the movie "YOLO" directed and starring by Jia Ling. They even arranged for us to sit in the VIP seats, making us feel extremely honored and surprised 😅🤣 This inspirational movie 🎬 brought tears to kivvi's eyes in many scenes 🥹 The process of becoming better is often uncomfortable. Let's try a little harder, be brave to be ourselves. In the new year, let's strive to win once again! Let's encourage each other~

#感谢邀请 #热辣滚烫 #贾玲电影 #励志电影 #共勉
#ThankYouInvitation #yolo #JiaLingMovie #InspirationalFilm #Encouragement #youonlyliveonce

